Registration for this year’s Soccercup 2017 is closed. The following teams are part of this year:
1.Oopa’s Rasselbande
2. Koppen til Morten
3. Die Wikinger…
4. Hansaplast Krückstock
5. Scream for us united
6. Lennarth
7. Red Devils
8. Pollas Pa Tu Culo
9. Hatefull Five
10. Thormaschine
11. Southampton Thrashletic
12. Colosseulen
13. Wackztecs
14. Metalcoatls
15. Milorg
16. Faina
17. Feiern 04 Leberbluten
18. Jacks Five Punch
19. Karadima Juniors
20. JBO Ultras
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